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Contact point and representative of the member organisation

Address of the main contact point (if other than above)

Please tick the appropriate box:

Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider with annual cloud turnover of:

By submitting this Membership Application Form, the Applicant agrees:

  1. to pay the yearly contribution as established by the General Assembly from time to time;
  2. that it accepts the CISPE Statutes and any Regulation (such as the By-Laws) or other rules and resolutions as adopted by the General Assembly in accordance with the CISPE Statutes;
  3. that confirm that he/she is authorised to formally represent the company/organisation, including the power to represent it in all meetings of the General Assembly, and have read and agree with the CISPE Statutes;
  4. that it gives its prior written consent to be added as a user in CISPE online collaboration tool and to the general mailing list to receive membership information.

If you have any difficulty completing this form, please contact for assistance

The CISPE Statutes can be accessed here.

I confirm that my organisation intends that one or more of our cloud infrastructure services will be declared in adherence with the CISPE Code of Conduct within six months after joining the Association.

Consent to the processing of personal data:

I have read the Privacy Policy provided in accordance with Art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, and agree to the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated therein. I also hereby declare that I am aware that by not agreeing to such processing, the provisions indicated in said Policy may be applied.


Processing personal data

I confirm I am at least 18 years old according to the regulations in force in the state where the service provider is based:

18 years old
