Policy Vision

Driving Europe towards a forward-looking, fair and globally competitive Data

What EU institutions and Europe need to do to succeed in the digital economy

Cloud First Public Procurement Policy

Accelerating the digital transformation by promoting an ambitious and forward-looking cloud first public procurement policy when making IT expenditure decisions to ensure the right modernisation decisions are being
made for the right reasons. 

Sustainable, energy-efficient policies

Promoting eco-friendly, pro- renewable policies for data centres contributing to the realisation of the COP21 objectives on climate change.

Security and privacy

Promoting cloud certification and industry standards that foster innovation, support strong encryption, and protecting privacy and fundamental rights by ensuring GDPR compliance via a CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct.

An open and competitive IT environment

Free from vendor lock- in, promoting freedom choice for customers. No more long-term service contracts and expensive software licensing fees: anyone should have access to world-class cloud services on demand.

A policy framework distinguishing when cloud providers have access to their customers’ data or not

CISPE core value is putting data protection, ownership, and control in the hands of cloud users. It is essential that customers own and control their data at all times.

A coherent and ambitious global trade agenda

For the international deployment
and use of cloud infrastructure that promotes European values with key trading partners.

Our vision for the digital transformation of Europe

Looking back from 2025, Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) envisages a prosperous and innovative European Union. This vision consists of a vibrant Digital Single Market (DSM) that has embraced the opportunities of technological change for the benefit of all European citizens. This robust DSM depends on an environment that enables continuous innovation, particularly for SMEs. Such a successful DSM could deliver an additional EUR 415 billion of growth over the next five years.

We see an EU that emphasises a skilled workforce, trained and ready for the jobs of the future. Investing in workforce development will generate new industries and jobs, creating an ecosystem for businesses of all sizes to scale-up and compete within EU and overseas.

By 2025, we will see European governments transformed, offering citizens improved, more agile, secure and cost-efficient services. This includes leveraging innovation to aggressively tackle climate change and build a framework for a truly sustainable Europe.

Achieving this vision requires strong leadership from policymakers being responsive to the needs of all citizens, using technology to improve services, boost entrepreneurship and expand access to underserved communities.

The EU is ideally placed to make this vision a reality and take the lead to support innovation; policymakers have a responsibility to muster the political will and enact policies that capitalise on new opportunities and ensuring trust in digital services for citizens and companies to embrace digital transformation.
