Cybersecurity Regulation
The role of Cloud Infrastructure
in Cybersecurity
CISPE is committed to ensuring secure, safe and resilient infrastructure for the cloud. As such it is actively involved in providing information, insight and opinion on key regulatory and legislative projects to ensure that they are fit for purpose
and deliver the required security without unintended consequences.
The EU’s Digital Sovereignty
If Digital Sovereignty is key for Europe, it is key as well for any economic area in the world. Therefore, addressing the topic widely should be considered, and we believe that European values of Data Protection, Security, Portability and Transparency shall be the driver to develop principles that could be largely supported and operated worldwide, while answering the expectations of European stakeholders.
CISPE believes in continuous innovation, particularly for SMEs by creating an ecosystem of trust for businesses of all sizes to scale up and compete. Cloud infrastructures are the catalyst for such genuine digital and environmental transformation as they provide the underlying IT infrastructure tools for organizations and individuals: the processing, storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources necessary to deploy and run essential software and systems.
CISPE supports the priority in Europe given to technological and digital sovereignty as an enabler of trust in cloud services for EU businesses and Governments. However, we observe that there is a lack of definition of what digital sovereignty actually means, particularly for the cloud industry.
Read the position paper here.
CISPE has worked with a broad range of allied voices on a number of campaigns around cybersecurity. These have included AFHADS, EuroCloud France, Cloud Industry Forum, Danish Cloud Community, DHPA, ISPconnect, Hexatrust, eco-EuroCloud Germany, DINL. Ongoing partnership and support is at the heart of efforts to ensure clear, appropriate regulation in this crucial area.
Main achievements to date
- In response to the European Terroist Content Online regulation in 2018 we worked with a coalition of partners from across Europe, CISPE provided information and video illustrations outlining the limits to cloud infrastructure service providers capability to remove terrorist content online Campaigns have been rolled out in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, and the Netherlands.
- CISPE is currently working with members and 3rd parties to agree positions and sector alignment around upcoming regulations including Cyber Resilience Act, NIS-2 update and European Cybersecurity certification scheme for clouds (EUCS)
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