First Gaia-X Federated Cloud Services Catalogue Demonstrated

Nov 17, 2022 | Press release

French team of Gaia-X Federated Services (GXFS-FR) creates catalogue of over 176 cloud services paving the way for the operationalization of the Gaia-X vision.

The French Gaia-X Federated Services (GXFS-FR) initiative – which aims to provide a reliable and sovereign digital infrastructure for Europe – unveils its online platform of more than 176 cloud services that meet GAIA-X common rules and standards. In order to bring transparency, trust and quality to cloud services that respect European values, this catalogue provides visibility of services that meet specific requirements, including data localization in Europe, security certifications, data portability and even providers’ commitment to limit the environmental impact of their cloud services.

You’ll find a fact sheet and screenshot of the catalogue below.

Gaia-X demonstrates its ability to deliver services with utility and value

Funded by the French government, this first demonstration catalogue already includes more than 176 cloud services, spanning a wide range of service types from competing players. It allows users to search, find and select cloud services by criteria including data protection, cybersecurity and portability. Users can filter services by Gaia-X Label, by type of service and layer (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), certifications and localization as well as by provider.

Jean-Noël Barrot, French Minister in charge of the Digital transition and telecommunications says:
This significant step will (finally) provide cloud service customers across Europe to access enhanced transparency of cloud offerings, in full compliance with the European values that the French Government supports within Gaia-X since 2020.

Pierre Gronlier, CTO of Gaia-X added: “
We are proud to showcase today a demo with hundreds of services referenced through the collective efforts of Gaia-X members, showing compliance with the various layers of Gaia-X labels. This is proof of our ability to jointly implement key specifications developed openly within Gaia-X and develop traction in solving real-world challenges.”

Cloud service providers operating across Europe were among the first to list themselves in the catalogue. With over 176  services from 13 mainly European providers already declared, Gaia-X expects this number to grow rapidly, adding to the utility and value of the catalogue. 

Francisco Mingorance, secretary general of CISPE and a member of the Gaia-X board of direct
ors, said, “This is an important milestone: Gaia-X is moving away from concepts into its first, real-life, market implementation of its “meta-cloud” Federated Cloud Services Catalogue approach. We expect it to go quickly from strength to strength. True to their commitment to the cloud infrastructure and the success of Gaia-x, CISPE members are proud to be among the first cloud providers in Europe to declare services in compliance with Gaia-X standards and labels.”

Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Institut Mines Telecom and lead of GXFS-FR which developed the demo
, said: “Gaia-X members have worked hard to develop a strong Trust Framework and Labels.  We are therefore proud to demonstrate the first technical implementation where level of compliance with these labels and specific requirements can be easily and effectively deployed by cloud users to add value in real world scenarios.”

Olivier Senot, former member of the Gaia-X Board,
and lead of the Docaposte team which developed the user interface added: “The milestone delivered today is the result of a collective effort and in the interest of the whole community of cloud users and providers in Gaia-X and beyond.”


Other members of the GXFS-FR consortium


Frederic Ethève, COO of OVHcloud and Gaia-X board member, states: With this first demonstrator, we are proud to put in place the first building blocks for cloud users to experiment and sort out their services with a complete overview of the offerings they can leverage to evolve their data strategy.”


Jean-Philippe Poirault, Atos Big Data& Cybersecurity CEO, announced “As a member of the Gaia-X board, I bring Atos’ full support and commitment to  this project, which contributes to the advancement of European sovereignty on data sharing.”


David Chassan, Chief Strategy Officer, 3DS OUTSCALE, stated “As a founding member of Gaia-X, it is with great enthusiasm and commitment that OUTSCALE teams participated in this first demo with all the partners. This first implementation demonstrates the governance capacity of our customers for Cloud uses.”


Olivier Tirat, CEO of BYO Networks, said, “We are delighted to be able to demonstrate today the implementation of an open and interoperable chain of trust with many reference services and providers: this is a big step forward for Gaia-X and its long-awaited interoperability goals for Cloud users in Europe.”

Fact sheet and screenshot of the catalogue




About Gaia-X

Launched in 2019 with the goal of developing a trustworthy and sovereign digital infrastructure for Europe, Gaia-X is a member-regulated digital ecosystem. The initiative aims to create an environment where data can be shared and stored under the control of owners and users, and where rules are defined and enforced, so that data and services can be easily available, compiled and exchanged. Gaia-X has the potential to create outstanding opportunities for innovative, data-driven business models and new solutions that help European companies of all sizes and sectors to grow and compete globally. The result will be a solid foundation for a modern, next-generation infrastructure that meets the needs of business, science and society.


About GXFS-FR and the demo

The consortium – called GXFS-FR – is a collaboration of 6 of the 11 French founding members of Gaia-X including Atos, 3DS Outscale, Docaposte, OVHcloud, Institut Mines Telecom, as well as CISPE, BYO Networks, and Dawex. By working together on a project to accelerate the definition and development of Gaia-X federated services within Gaia-X governance, each player is leveraging its expertise to pool it and lay the groundwork for an integrated Gaia-X catalogue that will benefit cloud users. In an open and completely transparent manner, the fruits of this collaboration include documentation, specifications, architecture documents and source code. The consortium is working closely with all Gaia-X members and the German equivalent project team (GXFS-DE). GXFS-FR also worked with CISPE, a founding member of Gaia-X, to materialize the specifications necessary for the implementation of the Gaia-X catalogue and chain of trust by cloud providers.


About Institut Mines-Télécom

The Institut Mines-Télécom is a public higher education and research institution under the authority of the French Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. It comprises eight grandes écoles: IMT Atlantique, IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, IMT Nord Europe, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Mines Saint-Étienne, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis, two subsidiary schools: EURECOM and Insic, and a network of strategic partners and affiliates. Its activities in the fields of engineering sciences and digital technology are focused on training engineers and managers, partnership research, innovation and support for economic development. Always attentive to the needs of the business world, the ITM combines strong academic and scientific legitimacy, proximity to companies and strategic positioning on the major transformations of the 21st century: digital, industrial, energy, ecological and educational. The ITM is a founding member of the Alliance Industrie du Futur and, together with the TUM, the creator of the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future. It has been awarded two Carnot labels for the quality of its research partnerships. Each year, the ITM trains more than 13,000 students, carries out nearly 70 million research contracts, and its incubators host around 100 start-ups.


Press contact:
Ben Maynard
+44 7968 537982
