Europe’s cloud infrastructure service providers ‘welcome GDPR and the protections it provides to cloud customers’

May 25, 2018 | News

Leading cloud trade association reiterates full commitment to GDPR and data protection and looks forward to working with the new European Data Protection Board created today

Brussels, 25/05/2018 CISPE, the voice of cloud infrastructure services providers in Europe, reiterates its strong commitment to data protection and welcomes the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which becomes applicable today.

“We welcome the arrival of the GDPR. CISPE was the first organisation to adopt a Data Protection Code of Conduct dedicated to cloud infrastructure services, and this code was built specifically to align with the requirements laid down by the GDPR” says Alban Schmutz, CISPE Chairman and VP Strategic Development & Public Affairs, OVH. “The CISPE Code helps cloud infrastructure providers operating in Europe to comply with the GDPR while offering a framework to their customers to select cloud offerings that can keep their data in Europe and ensure that this personal data is not re-used or sold to third parties.”

“CISPE has been in regular dialogue with the Article 29 Working Party and working to ensure the Code of Conduct for Cloud Infrastructure is fully compliant with the GDPR and protecting fundamental data privacy rights in Europe,” says Francisco Mingorance, Secretary General of CISPE. “As of today we are ready to engage with the new European Data Protection Board who replaces the Article 29 Working Party.”

CISPE has been working closely and diligently with all stakeholders including the European Commission and Data Protection Authorities to gain feedback, share experiences and shape its Code of Conduct. It launched the first sectoral GDPR Code of Conduct for Cloud Infrastructure services in 2016. Today, the Code has more than 80 services declared, offered by more than 24 cloud enterprises in 15 different countries and used by millions of businesses across Europe.

Media contact:
For all questions, or to speak to CISPE or one of its member companies on this issue, please contact: Francisco Mingorance, Secretary General,, +32 2/513 55 09

About CISPE: CISPE is an association of cloud infrastructure services providers operating in Europe. The association is open to all companies, no matter where they are headquartered, provided they declare that at least one of their cloud infrastructure services meets the requirements of the CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct.
