CISPE reacts to the publication of the EU Data Strategy

Feb 19, 2020 | News

[Brussels: Wednesday, 19 February 2020] Commenting in response to today’s publication of the EU data strategy, Alban Schmutz, Chair of the association of Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe (CISPE), said:

 “CISPE welcomes the European Commission’s continued commitment to an ambitious digital agenda.

 “We believe the Data Strategy released today will boost the development and adoption of digital technologies in Europe. Its recognition of cloud computing infrastructure as one of the four pillars is a major step forward for Europe.

 “Further market penetration of Cloud infrastructure is an essential precondition for the digital transformation of public services, Europe’s future economic growth, and democratizing technology so that anyone has access to the tools of innovation. 

“CISPE demonstrated its strong commitment to the European policy agenda through its pioneering work on the first GDPR industry data protection code of conduct for cloud infrastructure; and its unwavering commitment to data portability to enable the free-flow of data through the development of the first industry data portability code for cloud infrastructure (iaas).

“CISPE member companiesglobally headquartered in 14 European countries and enabling millions of customers across Europe through the provision of their cloud infrastructure stand ready to assist the European Commission and Commissioner Breton in his ambitious Data Strategy.”


-More information-

About CISPE: The association is open to all companies, no matter where they are headquartered, provided they declare that at least one of their cloud infrastructure services meets the requirements of the CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct. The CISPE Code of Conduct already has more than 100 services declared, provided by 30+ cloud enterprises headquartered in more than 15 EU Member States and used by millions of businesses across Europe.

For more information, please contact:

Simona Romeo

+32 492249868

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