Best Practices for cloud with confidence

Sep 22, 2016 | News

How CISPE is Shaping EU Policy and Why it Matters to the Cloud Industry


The nature of “cloud infrastructure” services and the different cloud deployment models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) are often misunderstood by EU policy makers. This lack of understanding is fuelling “one size fit all” policy decisions that are often out of touch with this new industry and that calls for the creation of a united voice representing the interests the cloud infrastructure service providers (“CISPs”) in Europe. This is why the CISPE association has been started: to be the voice of European cloud infrastructure providers.

With CISPE, cloud infrastructure providers, particularly SMEs, can be at the heart of the EU policies and laws on cloud to:

The first operational outcome of CISPE is to promote a privacy Code of Conduct for Infrastructure Services Providers taking into account the particular features of IaaS to help businesses and public administrations. This Code of Conduct will be presented in details to help IAAS providers to apply the new GDPR regulation.

Those topics and more will be discussed during the talk :

  • Propose initiatives that create a single European cloud market and drive the growth of IaaS
  • Address shortcomings in EU policies affecting the uptake of the European single cloud market
  • Educate policy makers on IaaS and address misperception issues

The first operational outcome of CISPE is to promote a privacy Code of Conduct for Infrastructure Services Providers taking into account the particular features of IaaS to help businesses and public administrations. This Code of Conduct will be presented in details to help IAAS providers to apply the new GDPR regulation.

These topics and more will be discussed during the session.
