CISPE and CISPI sign memorandum of understanding

Nov 25, 2021 | News

European and Israeli Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers to work together to build a better understanding of the sector

Today, two associations of cloud infrastructure service providers, CISPE in Europe and CISPI in Israel, signed a memorandum of understanding outlining collaboration towards joint aims. The two organisations acknowledge that they collectively seek to create a fair and contestable market for cloud infrastructure services in their regions and commitments to sustainable digital infrastructure, data protection, fair software licensing, and portability of data.

The agreement states the intent of both parties and their memberships to work together to promote a clear understanding of the specifics of cloud infrastructure services among other cloud services, especially in the areas of public procurement and regulation. Imprecise definitions, overly broad application of the regulation, and misunderstanding of the role of cloud infrastructure can lead to bad policy and sub-optimal outcomes for businesses and their customers.

In addition, the MOU establishes the framework for adherence for members of both associations to key initiatives developed by CISPE, including its Code of Conduct for Data Protection, the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, and the Ten Principles of Fair Software Licensing. Initiatives and campaigns to promote awareness of these initiatives among customers in both regions will also be planned and executed by the parties.

Commenting on the agreement Alban Schmutz, Chairman of CISPE, said, “It is a fantastic endorsement of all the work we have done at CISPE that other organisations in other regions want to work with us on common goals. In Israel, CISPI is quickly developing its reputation as a significant voice promoting the values, needs, and opportunities for cloud infrastructure service providers, and we are delighted to be working with them to further these aims.”

Ariel Munafo, Founder of CISPI, added, “I have seen the progress and results that CISPE has delivered on behalf of its members in Europe and am very keen to leverage these successes to benefit the cloud infrastructure services market in Israel. Many of the issues we face are the same, and working together, I know that we can quickly achieve significant progress.”

The two organisations have already established four Working Groups to enhance cooperation and progress in Climate Neutral Data Centres; Data Protection; Fair Competition and Freedom of Choice for cloud infrastructure service customers; and Cloud First Public Procurement Policies. Both associations will promote these key concepts to members and their customers through communications, marketing, events, and direct stakeholder outreach.
