CISPE Press Release on the adoption of the Free Flow of Data Regulation

Oct 4, 2018 | News

CISPE, the alliance of Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe, fully supports the adoption of the European Union’s new free flow of non-personal data Regulation and has also committed to deliver the first Cloud Infrastructure Data Portability Code of Conduct under the Regulation. This code will be in place when the Regulation comes into force, six months after its adoption and publication in the Official Journal of the EU.

The new Regulation enables data portability and is designed help organisations switch cloud providers, and so avoid being locked-in to proprietary services, through the use of industry Code of Conduct.

“The Regulation is a milestone for cloud service providers in Europe and, more importantly, for the many thousands of customers they serve,” says Alban Schmutz, CISPE President, and Vice President Strategic Development Public Affairs, OVH. “Data portability is essential for a healthy and competitive data economy, and a key requisite for a Digital Single Market. CISPE is therefore pleased to endorse the Regulation and is committed to helping deliver its promised benefits to users across Europe.”

Since April 2018, CISPE member companies have worked with EuroCIO (the European non-profit organisation representing large IT users), cloud customers, other industry stakeholders and the European Commission – in the framework of the EC Switching and Porting (SWIPO) Working Group – to develop an IAAS Code of Conduct to ensure data portability. This code is designed to support customers in switching their cloud infrastructure providers without losing data.

Full text of the press release could be found here.
