CISPE Cloud Summit 2023
On 23 March 2023, Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) held its first flagship Cloud Summit to discuss critical policy questions facing the sector, and the steps needed to unleash Europe’s potential for cloud innovation.
More than 100 participants, including leaders in cloud infrastructure, software, and senior European policymakers, have joined for the Summit, demonstrating the vibrancy of the European cloud ecosystem.
A series of keynotes, panels, presentations and debates throughout the day covered important topics including data portability, fair software licensing, climate neutral data centres and gender equality in the industry.
You can find a short recap of the event to the right, as well as recordings of all the panels and keynotes below.
See you next year!
09:30 – 10:00 | Opening Keynotes and Welcome Remarks
- 09:30 – 09:40 | Video Address | Carme Artigas, Spanish Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence
- 09:40 – 09:50 | Opening keynote speech | Pearse O’Donohue, Director, Future Networks, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- 09:50 – 10:00 | Welcome remarks from CISPE | Cindy Chabal, Corporate Communications Manager, Outscale
10:00 – 11:00 | Can Europe Compete in the Cloud?
Research Presentation: Professor Frederic Jenny, ESSEC Paris Business School
Summary of the presentation: Upcoming study hints at ‘cartel-like’ behaviour by large legacy software providers

Is software licensing harming competition in the cloud?
- Professor Frederic Jenny, ESSEC Paris Business School
- Raquel G. Aparicio, Spokesperson of the Nubes Initiative
- Lorenzo Principali, Director Digital Department, I-COM
Moderator: Ben Maynard, Director Communications, CISPE
11:00 – 12:30 | The Journey to the Cloud and What Success Looks Like for the Europe Data Economy?
Press release: CISPE Launches Data Portability Initiative to deliver over 300 Portable Cloud Services this Year
- Pierre Chastanet, Head of Unit Cloud & Software, DG CNECT
- Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO, GAIA-X
- Ralf Resch, President, Euritas
- Danielle Jacobs, CEO, Beltug, Belgian Association of CIOs and Digital Technology Leaders
- Ayse Yavuz, Partner, Ernst & Young CertifyPoint
Moderator: Francisco Mingorance, Secretary General, CISPE
13:30 – 14:40 | Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of our Digital Infrastructures
Press release: First Data Centre Operators Certify Adherence to Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact
Organised by the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact of which CISPE and EUDCA are co-founders.
13:30 – 13:40 | Opening Keynote Speech | Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General, DG ENER, European Commission
13:40 – 14:40 | Panel discussion
- Robert Nuij, Deputy Head of Unit Energy Efficiency, European Commission
- Anna Klaft, Chairwoman of the German Datacenter Association
- Michael Winterson, Managing Director, Equinix, and EUDCA Chairman
- Conor Molloy, Senior Product Manager, Bureau Veritas
- Fabrizio Garrone, Solution Director, Aruba Enterprise
15:00 – 16:00 | CISPE’s Women in Cloud and Digital Skills Initiative
- Alexandra Paul, DG CNECT, Unit Cloud and Software, Lead Economist
- Jacqueline van de Werken, General Counsel, Leaseweb and CISPE Vice-President
- Ibrahim Ouassari, Founder and CEO, MolenGeek