Inclusion of women in the ICT sector
Women in the Cloud
The CISPE Women in Cloud Taskforce works to redress the gender imbalance in the ICT sector. At CISPE, we see exciting opportunities for women to participate and lead in this future-orientated, fast-growing industry and want to play a significant role in removing any barriers to this happening.
Women in the Cloud is a CISPE initiative built upon the desire among members to promote a more inclusive, vibrant and fair culture for women working in the cloud sector. It has the support of leading cloud infrastructure businesses across Europe and is forging links with similar groups and associations to promote this important position.
Main achievements so far
- CISPE has undertaken and published research outlining the different barriers to women’s progression in the industry.
It also identified what support those women would like to see. - Based on these findings and insights from women across our member companies CISPE has developed a Women in the Cloud Manifesto calling for specific actions to attract more women to the sector and to support those within it in their careers.
- Media outreach, speaking opportunities and other communications campaigns are underway to further share the objectives of the initiative.
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