CISPE Accelerates Adoption of Gaia-X Labels with Integration of CISPE Clearing House
Brussels, March 20th – CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) and Gaia-X...
Brussels, March 20th – CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) and Gaia-X...
100% European Leadership to drive next chapter of growth 13th February 2025. CISPE has reinforced...
Brussels, 11th February 2025 – Today, the European Cloud Competition Observatory (ECCO),...
Established as key element of Microsoft Settlement, ECCO will scrutinise Unfair Software Licensing...
4th November 2024, Brussels. CISPE’s Cloud Switching Framework (CISPE Framework), available now,...
Enhanced majorities for European and SME members underline CISPE’s support for Europe’s cloud...
Microsoft offers new product to settle unfair software licensing claims Nine-month deadline...
Brussels, 29 May 2024 Today, the European Data Centre Association (EUDCA) and Cloud Infrastructure...
Minor changes, in response to pressure from European Commission, do not address key issues...
Well done France! Yesterday, the two French parliamentary chambers reached a compromise text that...
Cloud services essential to public and private sector organisations, including local government,...
Brussels, 8th March 2024. Cloud infrastructure providers in Europe are faced with an impossible...
Today, CISPE confirms that it has opened discussions with Microsoft aimed at resolving ongoing...
Les utilisateurs de services cloud peuvent désormais rechercher et comparer des services qui...
Cloud users can now search and compare cloud services that meet all Gaia-X trust elements for...
Berlin, July 19, 2023 - CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) has applied in...
If rumours in the Financial Times are to be believed, the European Commission is on the brink of...
Profesör Jenny’nin Raporunun özeti; Bulut sektöründeki haksız ek ücretlerin olası maliyetlerini...
Il rapporto del Professor Jenny sulle Pratiche Sleali di Licenze Software: una quantificazione...