La tassa iniqua sulle licenze software da un miliardo di euro colpisce i clienti UE
Il rapporto del Professor Jenny sulle Pratiche Sleali di Licenze Software: una quantificazione...
Il rapporto del Professor Jenny sulle Pratiche Sleali di Licenze Software: una quantificazione...
Professor Jenny’s Report: Unfair Software Licensing Practices: A quantification of the cost for...
13 April 2023. Brussels. It is two years since CISPE launched the Ten Principles for Fair Software...
Yesterday, UK regulator Ofcom published its interim report into the Cloud Services Market based on...
How do we build a European cloud ecosystem that is fair and inclusive, rewards innovation and...
This press release is also available in French, German and Italian. Independent certification...
This press release is also available in German, English and French. Il CISPE collaborerà con...
This press release is also available in German, Italian and English. Le CISPE travaillera avec les...
This press release is also available in English, Italian and French. CISPE wird in Kooperation mit...
This press release is also available in German, Italian and French. CISPE will work with vendors...
Lots of promises – but no action to help European Customers It has been nearly 2 years since CISPE...
To be held in Brussels on 22nd March 2023 We are pleased to announce the date of our very first...
L’équipe française de Gaia-X Federated Services crée une plateforme de plus de 176 services cloud...
French team of Gaia-X Federated Services (GXFS-FR) creates catalogue of over 176 cloud services...
9th November 2022, Brussels. Today, Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe (CISPE) filed...
Fair competition and inclusive public tenders Francisco Mingorance, secretary-general, CISPE Last...
CISPE Board restates its commitment to supporting cloud computing fundamentals for the success of...
Find out more on CISPE Members’ free and discounted services to face the pandemic #StayHome...
Brussels, 06/12/2018 – CISPE, the alliance of Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe,...
“Europe’s cloud infrastructure service providers are being asked to do the impossible: it’s like...