Improving datacenter efficiency in Europe: The role of PUE

Dec 21, 2022 | Publication

CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe) highlights research that suggests the operators of medium sized data centres could save Europe eleven terawatt hours (11 tWh) of electrical power every year, the same as a medium-sized city, if they meet the efficiency goals of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact. As the recast Energy Efficiency Directive is debated by the European Parliament, Council and Commission, CISPE calls on all parties to ensure that it applies to all data centres of 100 kW or more in order to capture these potential savings.

Commissioned from 451 Research, the global research and advisory firm, the report shows that there are approximately 16,000 data centres in EMEA that are larger than 100 kW. Together, these facilities used approximately 34 terawatt hours of power in 2021. It calculates that if all the data centres larger than 100kW in Europe were to improve their efficiency to PUE 1.4 the annual savings in electricity consumption in 2021 would have been 11 terawatt hours – enough to power a city the size of Hamburg for a year.

Read the report here
