Extending telco regulation to the cloud risks harming European consumers, businesses and the Digital Agenda
This week, Analysys Mason, a respected telecoms consulting firm, presented a study that highlights...
This week, Analysys Mason, a respected telecoms consulting firm, presented a study that highlights...
Il rapporto del Professor Jenny sulle Pratiche Sleali di Licenze Software: una quantificazione...
Le rapport du Professeur Jenny « Pratiques déloyales en matière de licences logicielles : A...
Professor Jenny’s Report: Unfair Software Licensing Practices: A quantification of the cost for...
During the inaugural CISPE Cloud Summit on the 22nd of March, renowned economics professor...
A study, commissioned by CISPE and conducted by leading economists at Frankfurt School of Finance...
New Economic Study from Frédéric Jenny, Chairman of OECD Competition Committee, highlights...