CISPE Statement to Members of IMCO Committee – in support of Amendment #208 // Free Flow of Data Regulation

Jun 4, 2018 | News

Brussels, 04/06/2018 – CISPE, the voice of cloud infrastructure services providers in Europe, warmly welcomed Amendment #208 tabled by MEP Eva Maydell (EPP) and encourages all political groups to support this proposal to enable a healthy and open debate on cloud service data portability and how to prevent lock-in in Europe.

Amendment #208Data processing services compliant with codes of conduct shall be given preference in public tenders over equivalent, or similar, services or products that do not comply with this provision to facilitate the switching of providers and promote interoperability systems.”

“Without requiring any changes to the European Public Procurement rules, Amendment #208 presents a unique opportunity and clearly pays more than lip service to data portability in Europe,” says Francisco Mingorance, Secretary General of CISPE.

On this basis of Amendment 208, MEPs can engage in a constructive dialogue with the Commission and Member States on how to make data portability and switching cloud providers a reality in Europe while also preventing public administration and private users becoming “locked-in” to proprietary services by cloud companies that do not voluntarily abide to the Free Flow of Data Regulation Principles.

About CISPE: The association is open to all companies, no matter where they are headquartered, provided they declare that at least one of their cloud infrastructure services meets the requirements of the CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct. Today, the CISPE Code of Conduct has already more than 80 services declared, offered by more than 24 cloud enterprises headquartered in over 15 different Member States and used by millions of businesses across Europe.

CISPE Executive Board

Cloud Computing Services declared under CISPE Code of Conduct

Contact: For all questions and to speak to CISPE or one of its member companies, please contact us here:, Tel +32 2 513 55 09
