Gaia-X prend de l’ampleur avec le lancement du premier catalogue fédéré de services de cloud
Les utilisateurs de services cloud peuvent désormais rechercher et comparer des services qui...
Les utilisateurs de services cloud peuvent désormais rechercher et comparer des services qui...
Cloud users can now search and compare cloud services that meet all Gaia-X trust elements for...
Yesterday, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority announced the scope of its cloud market...
“Ofcom’s report [..] outlines concerns it has heard about the software licensing practices of some...
Last Wednesday, the European Commission published its first Report taking stock of the EU’s...
This week, after a welcome visit of the Goya Museum in Zaragoza under the auspice of the President...
On 27 September, CISPE and EUDCA, in partnership with SpainDC are organising a conference on the...
Berlin, July 19, 2023 - CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe) has applied in...
If rumours in the Financial Times are to be believed, the European Commission is on the brink of...
The Ten Principles for Fair Software Licensing were born in France, and last week returned to...
Profesör Jenny’nin Raporunun özeti; Bulut sektöründeki haksız ek ücretlerin olası maliyetlerini...
Il rapporto del Professor Jenny sulle Pratiche Sleali di Licenze Software: una quantificazione...
Le rapport du Professeur Jenny « Pratiques déloyales en matière de licences logicielles : A...
Professor Jenny’s Report: Unfair Software Licensing Practices: A quantification of the cost for...
On 22 June, CISPE will hold an event the proposal by ISPs to introduce an internet traffic fee on...
Agent Smith and The Microsoft Matrix Or how Microsoft spent the past 12 months convincing us that...
Recently, the European Commission's consultation regarding 'The future of the electronic...
During the inaugural CISPE Cloud Summit on the 22nd of March, renowned economics professor...
On Friday 21 April, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)...