CISPE Response to the EBA consultation on Guidelines on outsourcing
Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) has submitted its response to thepublic...
Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) has submitted its response to thepublic...
Brussels, 09/11/2018 – CISPE, the alliance of Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe,...
CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe), the primary European trade association...
Context: Proposed Commission Regulation to implement Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to...
Brussels, 21/06/2018 – New Regulation prohibits data localisation restrictions and is a major step...
Brussels, 12/06/2018 - Anticipating the European Commission’s regulation for the Free Flow of non-...
Brussels, 04/06/2018 – CISPE, the voice of cloud infrastructure services providers in Europe,...
Leading cloud trade association reiterates full commitment to GDPR and data protection and looks...
Leading cloud trade association reiterates full commitment to GDPR and data protection and looks...
At the end of March, CISPE President Alban Schmutz (OVH), Vice President Stefano Cecconi (Aruba)...
Brussels, 9 April 2018 The Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) is delighted...
Cloud infrastructure service providers demonstrate clear commitment to GDPR Brussels, 24/01/2018 -...
Cloud infrastructure service providers demonstrate clear commitment to GDPR Brussels, 24/01/2018 -...
Introduction CISPE would like to express its support for adopting such regulation which is very...
CISPE welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to the draft data breach notification...
CISPE is pleased to submit this response to the public consultation on improving cross-border...
CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe) welcomes the opportunity to provide...
Brussels, 15/09/2017 - CISPE, the voice of cloud infrastructure providers in Europe, has described...